Friday, January 12, 2007

Kassie has landed!

Wow, I've finally arrived in blog land. Looks like a friendly place. (sticking up finger to test the wind).

I'm Kassie Burns. I'm a small town girl who moved to the big city and who's starting to see some of her dreams come true. Woo, woo! I've tackled the tollroads and expressways, I've met a lot of wonderful people, I've landed a demanding job, and best of all, I've gotten some of my books published! More woo, woo! I've uploaded my latest cover so you can see what I write.

For fellow astrology bluffs, I'm a Libra with a Leo moon and Sag rising. Oh, yeah, people-lover (I like that better than people-pleaser, don't you?), party girl and secret philosopher. Hey, it's all about figuring out the meaning of life, but to do that, you have to live it a little first.

What's up? Trying to describe a life is like trying to catch a speeding train on its way by, but this week I've been busy working on my latest book. I'm excited because I'm getting close to the end. Hurrah! Of course, by "end" I mean the end of the first draft. Ha! Writers will know what I mean. Next comes the editing and that goes on forever ... and forever ... but I love it.

Oh, yeah. The book is called Starbound, and it's about some people on a starship lost in space and invaded by aliens. I'd better get it finished because I'm curious myself how it ends.

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